Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who Knew...

Obama in Los Angeles, 2006

I was cleaning out a box over the weekend and found an old camera memory card from 2 1/2 years ago, when Obama came to town to sign his book, Audacity of Hope. He stopped in Encino for a private reception. It was all so relaxed. No guards. No fuss.

There was speculation that he was going to run for president, but no one knew for sure. He stood on the steps of the back porch, addressing a crowd of about 50 people. Afterward, he milled around the living room. He signed books with a black Sharpie (left handed). He smiled. Made everyone feel like they were the most important person in the room. (He has this way of grabbing people by the arm, from the elbow...)

I took nearly 40 pictures with a little digital camera that I didn't know how to work. Almost everyone left before Obama did. Afterward I went home, took the memory card out of the camera and dropped it into a box which I immediately misplaced, until now.

I've often looked back on that evening in October 2006. I should have taken a better camera, or maybe I should have brought along a friend who knew how to focus a lens. I should have talked to him longer. I should have remembered to get my book signed.

But who knew...

PS: My newly found photos are over here.


Tina Tarnof said...

This is so amazing, Tina, what a moment in history. Somebody else I knew mentioned not long ago how they met Obama at a private book signing party in LA while he wasn't yet running for president and how humble and wonderful he was. How he made everybody feel special and excited. The pctures are great, truly great. What a find! Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Makes me wander what eles you have there somewhere, forgotten! :)

English Muse said...

Wow! i wonder if your friend was at the same party! i think it's the only one Obama did in LA for his book...

i do have another treasure missing somewhere: holga film of brad pitt in new orleans...most of it didn't turn out...but if i could find it, i could work on it...

Anonymous said...

You own treasures !!! I's a kind of lomography pictures, poetic and out of focus. His future was a bit uncertain like these pictures ... Sunny Side

Daydream Lily said...

These are fantastic Tina, what a moment you have captured!! yes find the Brad Pitt film, your full of wonders. love your blog!!!!

FEDERICA said...

Obama is now here in Italy for the G8!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Great pictures, love the quirky snapshot angles. I love this man. I so wish I could have met him when he was still accessible.

Anonymous said...

That's insane! I'm glad he's nice, cos he seems like a lovely person, but then so do a lot of famous people and then you hear the fan stories...

Charlotte said...

These photos are stunning and, in their own way, wonderfully revealing of the man and moment. Your wonderful account of the circumstances makes it all better. Maybe we should organize a search party to help find the Brad Pitt photos.

Unknown said...

wonderful moment in history you may never get again.
Thanks for posting.

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amiga! Passando para te desejar muita paz, amor, saúde e felicidades.
É, O Obama é realmente o tipo de homem que sabe conquistar as pessoas, é um dom pessoal que o mesmo tem.
Espero tua visita no nosso humilde espaço.



Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Gave me goosebumps - very cool! Love the photos!

Brian Miller said...

nice shot. interesting how little moments in life turn out..

Jade said...

Amazing photos. And he looks so young! It's crazy to see how much he's aged since then; I guess the weight of the world's problems will do that to you. But I think he's doing a fantastic job so far! :)

Liz Arnold said...

What a great find! Love your detail about taking people by the elbow. Wonderful photos!

Ali said...

Beyond cool. One day, these pictures will be called history...if not already!

Who knew?

avant garde design said...

who knew is right! how special to have those photos of a human being that is changing history! he has just a kind face in these photos as he does as president. i watched the slideshow thinking "how great is it that she took this many photos!"

~ ennui ~ said...

Great story and wonderful memory to treasure ♥

suzette said...

Wow, that's absolutely amazing.
I can't even imagine him without tons of security surrounding him and his family.

otisandfrank said...

so cool!

Sarah said...

Oh how COOL!!! You have history in your hands my dear. Congratulations! LOVE the photographs.

A "cheery" disposition said...

such a cool story to have.

Giulia said...

Every time I'm bummed by living here in mean DC (today esp. downer), I remember: but still...some things have changed....xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is so amazing! I would kill to meet him!

Rebecca (Dog-Eared) said...

still; what an amazing experience!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's awesome!! I like the photo.. it looks very arty... Don't say your "Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda's" - at least you were there!

orange sugar home said...

wow!! fabulous post!! those are keepers!!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

You didn't get your book signed??!
Well, the photos are wonderful.

Lauren said...

it's so amazing that you got those pictures! thanks for sharing. :)

clare @ the pretty walrus said...

that actually gave me the chills. how wonderful to have met him. i can't believe you didn't get a book signed tho!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

that's such a fantastic story ...

Hayley said...

that's so exciting! even if you didn't get good pictures, you still have the memories... that you didn't even know would be exciting until now !

discotheque confusion said...

This is such a great little story, it's such a wonderful feeling when things work out this way; there is something nice about the fact that your camera card was tucked away all that time-all the way through the presidential campaign just waiting to be found!

Slices of Beauty... said...

At least there are memories from the day! Beautiful story.

Jen said...

That's a priceless find! Wow! I think the pictures are great :)