Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nothin' Good to Eat

Hey, it's me again, Pugly.

I go through this occasionally. No matter how much good food we have at home, sometimes, there's just nothing good to eat. I realize that this sounds ungrateful. But really, I'm thankful for all the food that we have. It's just that sometimes, I get bored with a lot of it.

Yesterday, as I ran my errands after work, I couldn't help but glance at some of the menus of the restaurants I strolled past. Nothing seemed to grab me though. So I proceeded home, hungrier than hell, desiring everything and nothing.

When I got home, I foraged through the refrigerator and cupboards. Thai green beens... nah. Black beans and cheese.... nope. Frosted shredded wheat? Eh. Nachos? Fried tofu with baby greens? Noodles? Fish? No. No.. NO.

Wait a minute... oohhh... the last two slices of Acme Olive Bread. Yum! Olive bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar is yummy gooood. But when I saw the tomato on the counter, memory of Rabbit's delicious tomato cheese sandwich whet my appetite. Yeah! I found my dinner.

Topped with a ton of Trader Joe's four cheese mix, it was primed and ready for the oven. With a bit of freshly ground pepper and a cup of tomato soup, I was ready for a grubbin' dinner. Yum.

{ Recipe inspired by Spot The Pot. }


Brian Miller said...

yum...did you save any to pass around?

English Muse said...

oh yummy!!!!

Jessica Ferron said...

Oh I know that feeling... This sounds delicious! Tonight I made mac 'n cheese with Greek yogurt and pancetta - de.lic.ous. Such a great twist on a boring meal!

Breenuh said...

Ohhhh my goodness. This looks AMAZING. I'm going to have to make one for myself now...

On another note, I totally understand when you're hungry but nothing you think of sounds good. Funny how we human beings work, eh?

Lindsey Michelle said...

Looks yummy! Now you have me craving fresh tomatoes!

{ Lindsey }

Anonymous said...

So delicious! I should try this when I pack my lunch! Olive bread sounds so interesting and tasty! :)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I think you can put anything on top of Acme bread and it will be divine! Those cheesy tomatoes look so YUMMY!

Foxy said...

That looks delicious...and it is something a total fool in the kitchen like me could make!I am so on it.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Yum! Tomato sandwich goes gourmet!

Reanna said...

You've just made a few tomatoes, cheese and bread slices look deeelicious. So, what's for dinner tonight?

Rachel Angevine said...

Yum! I was just trying to decide what I want to make for dinner, and I think I'm going to have to give this a go! Thanks! : )

Aline said...

ooooooooh, that looks so good...I may make it for lunch!

Trina said...

I spent the day with a friend and we both experienced the feeling you wrote about. We started at her house--I raided her full fridge and thought "She has such good food". When we went to my house, she raided my full fridge and said the exact same thing out loud!

We ought to be able to trade fridges with people sometimes. I think that would solve the problem nicely.