Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Complete fluff...

Polaroid Sky

I was very excited to discover today that the Barnes & Noble Review has a special section for books on clouds.

This is how they describe "The Invention of Clouds," by Richard Hamblyn:

"A fascinating study of the amateur meteorologist who, in the early 19th century, 'forged the language of the skies.' Creating the classifications -- cirrus, stratus, cumulus, nimbus -- which are now familiar, Luke Howard captured the imagination of contemporary artists and scientists, as well as generations of their heirs."

It also reminds me that I need to get out more with my Polaroid camera. (I took this photo, above, last year.)


English Muse said...

hello everyone, forgive me for commenting on my own post. it just looked very sad with zero comments...thats all!

the real mia said...

I love that photo. Your images of clouds always inspire me.