Monday, April 13, 2009

A Twitter Over Lagerfeld


Direct Message: Karl, darling? Is that really you?


Your twitter updates are so fantastic! Remember the time...

karl twitted: "Throwing money out the window brings money back in through the front door." I hope you're right, because I've thrown lots out the window! (-30)

New Direct Message: It's ok if it's not really you. Whoever you are -- even if you are a guy posting from an apartment in Studio City -- keep at it!


Hello everyone. Happy Monday night. How are you? Are you recovered from the holiday?....Re: the photos above. For a laugh, I'm following THREE Karls on Twitter. They're are marvelously entertaining. (And maybe one of them is real. Who knows!)

Just for fun, here are their links:

Fake Karl Lagerfeld

The (probably fake) Karl.

And the definately car-trunk knockoff Karl.

If you want to follow them, follow me too!!! I'm for real!

My link {here}.


Photo Credits: W magazine, Vogue.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Memories, Refracted


Through old photographs...

Of my childhood home in New Mexico...

They remind me today of those I love...


And miss...


What's a holiday without nostalgia, right!? I promise I won't do this again until Christmas!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

El Greco, Off Kilter

El Greco, Off Register

Hello everyone! Hope you're having a lovely holiday weekend!

Check out this picture from the cover of a vintage paperback book on El Greco. When I found it today in my favorite thrift store, I thought I was looking at a Dali painting! It's so weird.

Somehow the color register was off in the printing. It reminds me of the old hologram photos I had as a kid (the early versions of a GIF).

Here's more....

el greco

The painting is "St. Martin and the Beggar," which is located in the Capela San Jose at Toledo, according to this musty little book (printed in 1967). You never know what you're going to find at a thrift store.

I should be cooking for brunch tomorrow. But I couldn't resist blogging...

Have a wonderful Easter!

Hello everyone. Happy Sunday. I'm scrambling like crazy to get brunch together. I can't find the napkins!! Nevertheless, I wanted to post this comment from Talented Tina Tarnoff. I'm going to try her suggestion after a few glasses of champagne today. Ha!

from T. T. Tarnoff:

" The best things always happen by accident, the picture looks absolutely wonderfuly bizarre. I wonder what El Greco would think of this take on his work. And, yes, it does make you feel a bit dizzy, especially if one has had a happy, wine infused night:). That makes me think that maybe if one is very tipsy the picture somehow comes into focus. Should I try?"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Weekend


It's the weekend...


Makes me want to...



...Everyone have a great one...will meet you...


...back here on Monday!

PS: click photos for linkbacks.


Black Cat, Observed

black cat observed

black cat

black cat

black cat

Hello everyone. I'm completely and totally smitten with artist Peter Alexander. I admit it. I love his Los Angeles cityscapes, his palm tree abstracts, his stunning painting of the full moon (posted last night.) But he won my heart with this series above.

He created these drawings -- pastel on paper -- in 1987 as an ode to his beloved black cat, Romance. Maybe it's because we have two black cats. (I love them!) A couple years ago, my young daughter decided to create an almanac of cat positions:

There was the french fry, the donut, the vulture, the croissant and -- the most beloved of all -- the bread loaf position.

Makes me happy to think about it. These drawings reminded me.



...Easter weekend with its candy colors...

easter eggs

...We live in a lovely Armenian neighborhood, with the most delicious Middle Eastern restaurants and delis. The pastry shops make the prettiest Easter baskets and the most wonderful baklava. We're having my parents over for brunch on Sunday. I'm still trying to decide on the menu (besides a large tray of the sticky sweet baklava)!

...What are your plans?

Top photo from the lovely Jen, who has expanded her fantastic store. Check it out {here}.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Full Moon


I love the moon and everything associated with it -- songs, poetry, photos and art. The painting, above, by iconic California artist Peter Alexander is one of my favorites. It's both beautiful and calming. (Did you see the full moon where you're at?)

Now that the storm clouds have cleared in Los Angeles, I can fall asleep with moonlight streaming through the bedroom window....



A few days ago a message popped up on one of my posts from a lovely young woman named Shokoofeh in Tehran, Iran. I was so excited and intrigued: I love that there are women bloggers in Iran. It underscored, yet again, how we are all citizens of the world brought together on this amazing thing called the Internet.

Shokoofeh's blog, A New Simple Something!, is simply wonderful. She has Polaroids of her friends and family (like the one above.) And today she writes so beautifully about Iranian fashion designer Afshin Feiz who finds inspiration in the gorgeous words of Sufi poet Rumi.

Shokoofeh includes this snippet of a Rumi poem:

"In your light I learn how to love
In your beauty, how to make poems
You dance inside my chest
where no-one sees you
but sometimes I do
and that sight becomes this art"

It is truly art and love and poetry that unite us.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Architecture of Trees


...It's amazing what a viewfinder can do. It wasn't until I got my Polariod and began pointing at everything in sight did I appreciate the marvelous architecture of trees...


...Spare, bare branches through the winter... Boughs heavy with fruit and leaves in spring...


...Cypress trees are like those wonderful Egyptian obelisks: Essays in vertical elegance...


...On Polaroid a weeping willow is even more like a poem than it is in person...


...Who knew that all this loveliness was on the other side of the viewfinder...It's all a matter of viewpoint...


...From my point of view.

PS: My "Trees" set on flickr.



Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday. Today is my day to get caught up on everything. (Or at least try). I'm feeling much better after a full 9 hours of sleep. I have more wonderful Polaroids I want to show you. Will upload them this evening.

In the meantime, I wanted to share with you this picture of Brigitte Bardot. I've had it up as my computer wallpaper. It's been inspiring me to, well, grow my hair and get back into shape (ha!).

I found it in the LIFE magazine archives, where there are tons of photos of everyone famous you can imagine. It's an excellent resource for blog art! I could spend hours browsing. I adore vintage photographs from old magazines.

Alas, now I have to work...sigh...

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, April 6, 2009



It's officially spring -- at least in my little patch of yard. I found the first full rose bloom of the season on my favorite rosebush, a climber called "Eden." It's a big, pink complicated cabbage-like rose. I planted the bush five years ago and now it covers the railing along the front porch. It's spectacular when it's fully in bloom.

For now, this single rose is positively perfect.

Thank you all for keeping me company during my insomnia last night. I've read all your comments three times already! Can't wait to drop in on your blogs -- such a creative, International group! So happy to meet you in this beautiful corner of the Internet.


(Tonight, I've resolved to go to bed early!)

What time is it where you are?


It's 12:44 am in Los Angeles and, as usual, I can't sleep...I was just wondering...


Where are you? And...


What time is it there?

(Click photos for trackbacks.)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Paper Bullet

Lisa Romero

Hello everyone! To start your week off right, I'm happy to announce a very special giveaway. San Francisco artist Lisa Romero, one of my favorite Facebook friends, is having a drawing for this lovely Easter illustration...


...a rabbit aptly named "Bruiser." To enter to win said bunny, heart Lisa's Etsy store Paper Bullet (or one of her fabulous works of art) by midnight Pacific Standard Time tomorrow night (April 6th). You'll probably want to browse awhile...


...She has so many beautiful, colorful creations in her store and on her Paper Bullet website...


...It's hard to pick a favorite!

Not a cloud in the sky...


...Today at the beach...


...Just a cool breeze...


...rustling the palm trees...

We had such a lovely time today. I took a nap on a beach blanket under a huge umbrella.

And now it's Sunday evening. I've always disliked Sunday evenings. Such a letdown from the weekend....I always try to distract myself with a good movie (or TV show)...Tonight: The Tudors...

How was your weekend?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Muse Shoes

Muse Shoes

My friend Tina Tarnoff, an artist extraordinaire, sent me the loveliest gift today: A papercut she created of striped flats with pink bows. What a fantastic surprise! I love wearing ballerina flats and a few weeks ago I started a group on Facebook (just for fun) called the International Society of Girls in Flats. It's grown to than 300 members! It includes many of my past and present girlfriends at the Los Angeles Times, with the exception of Carla Hall who says she won't join because she only wears heels. (I still love you Carla.) The group also includes my poor husband, who is the only male member from what I can tell.

And now, thanks to the lovely Ms. Tarnoff, the group has an official logo!

Please visit Tina's fabulous Etsy store {here} and her blog, Thought Patterns, {here}. (She lives in San Francisco and writes about it so beautifully.)