My green one is my portable inspiration file. The contents:
An old NYT magazine Domains profile of the late John Mortimer (He drank Champagne every morning for breakfast, which I applaud); Lists of interesting words; Various magazine photos; A picture of my husband (featured in an LA Times ad long ago); An Equinox schedule; Megan Stack's fantastic LA Times profile of Vivian Edde; A gorgeous snippet from Michael Cunningham's book, "The Hours;" Harry Eyres' "Autumn and Essences" column from the FT; And finally, a picture of JLo (and butt) to inspire me to go to the gym. (I hate the gym.)
What's in your Filofax?
I use to have a red filofax that lasted for 5 years. It was the most brilliant thing I have ever own. It saw me through the last year of high school and my college years. I wrote everything in it. From dates, phone numbers and homework / appointments.
Unfortunately my filofax "died" on me when I entered the working world.
Like you I tried converting to the electronic versions for all my appointments but there is something about writing it all down in my filofax.
Now I have converted to Moleskines by my best friend. I still have my red filofax and all the pages from it. :*)
I would never give up my Filofax-ish calendar for a palm pilot. I like writing things by hand. I have a few photos in there, a mini journal, and a mini inspiration note book. Other than that, it's my treasured calendar.
Life is personal, the one and only one we'll ever have. Somehow, recording it and assembling it's lovely pieces like a magpie with your own hands in a thing that grows with the years, seems just right. . .and satisfying in a way that no handheld "device" ever could be. Actually, this blog is like a wonderful filofax shared with the world. Thanks.
I hate the gym too. Can I borrow your filofax? ;)
Oh, I love this - from John Mortimer to The Hours to JLo's butt! Thank you for sharing.
Norine: That was incredibly well put. I agree. A magpie. That's how I often feel, and I like it. I want to remember as much about my life as I can when I'm an old lady ... It's all in the details, right?
xo to all of you. Happy Valentine's.
I love my filofax! Right now I am using a red personal size Finsbury - I can't imagine life without it! Several of my friends have Blackberry's but I stay true to my filofax!
I had a filofax many years ago, and it's always in my bedroom.
Now I cover some agendas with old fabrics. At the end of the year it impossible tout shut them.Too many "souvenirs".
I am a gadget girl and do love all things electronic ... BUT there is nothing like your filofax full of dates,times and pictures, cards etc and guess what it NEVER breaks down! Well I guess until it dies....
I found your blog from LA Observed. Lovely and inspirational. I finally got a Blackberry but still use a calendar and pencil in my office. After reading this post, I pulled out a Franklin planner with a paisley embroidered cover that I outgrew years ago when I moved up to a larger version. But I just couldn't part with it. You've inspired me to turn it into a journal. And I've taken to personalizing my notebooks. Makes them more inviting when I pull them out to write in. Will look forward to adding you to my daily read.
I keep one for taxes, and the other for is for pure inspiration - old photos, magazine articles, etc.
omg i love ur collection!
i own a pink personal and brown slimline, both finsbury leather.
i like filo finsbury binders cause they're really light despite the sizes and it looks like it'll look much better when they get older. ;)
im using pink one as my portable scheduler, notebook, and address book and im keeping the brown one on the shelves for now. apparently the slimline is too slim for me ;(
I'm so happy to read Filofax hasn't gone out of fashion. My red one goes everywhere. I don't use it for journaling; strictly a calendar, address book, afraid someone might open it and find personal notes and mementoes.
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