Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Domino Favorite: Small Space Color

Domino: Small Space Color

I just want to say that I'm completely in love with this hot pink kitchen...


Although this green dining room is nice too...

Domino: color

I'm continuing my new Sunday tradition of posting old Domino articles. I hope you like this one. It appeared in the April 2006 issue. Domino says: "Brighter rooms, happier you." Do you think that's true? Maybe I have too many white walls in the house!

(Here's the link to my previous Sunday Domino posts. And click the photos above to view them large on my Flickr page.)

A couple other things:

Congratulations Liss at Daydream Lily for being named a "Blog of Note"! Men from all over the world have been proposing to Liss in the wake of the honor. She has wisely started screening her messages.

And thank you Veronique at Here in Malibu for telling me about TweetDeck. Although I'm now living on Twitter, I have a long way to go before I catch up with Ashton Kutcher! (Please follow me before #moonfruit crashes Twitter.)

Have a great Monday everyone!


Crystal @ Plush Palate said...

Love that you are keeping the memory of Domino alive! What a loss to the design community that was.

Oh and I agree, the hot pink kitchen is pretty awesome :)

BPremo said...

Oh, these make me pine for Domino! But thanks for the beautiful, eye-candy reminders.

Jordan Clarke said...

I really love the blue wall with the chest and the mirror - it's very charming. White walls can be so boring!

Poor Liss...all those proposals. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. Maybe I still have enough innocence.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Can you just imagine the great little confections you could bake in that sweet pink kitchen? Love it!

Daydream Lily said...

thank you Miss Tina :-)

PS. Rashid from Pakistan would like my hand in marriage...HAHAAHA I'm most definitely screening my emails ! Least till things get back to normal.

PSS. I love colour in a home, but i'm with you on white walls. Id rather add colour through bold prints and textiles.


Anonymous said...

Oh do you know Claude Monet's house in Giverny and his stunning yellow dining room ? I "adore" !!! I have paint my kitchen with this bright... sunny yellow and blue cups & pottery !!! Sunny Side

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Adore the hot pink kitchen and miss Domino! xx

Magdalena said...

I love the hot pink kitchen, it is perfect!! I love color and re-visiting all these lovely pictures and articles from Domino.

Anonymous said...

You're right, that kitchen is FAB!
As for bright colours, yeah sometimes they're nice, but a house/apartment definitely needs lighter airy colours for the wind-down hours! Plus those lighter rooms are far more versatile!

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

The pink is divine- because it didn't try too hard- it went straight to work on a simple useable kitchen-in a "showhouse-do not touch" kitchen- I would say garish. It is so right to see paint work and brights mix with the Right elements-modern and rustic. The stylist always knows. Great glimpse at color mileage. LittleAugury

Laura Trevey said...

LOVE the pink in the kitchen!!

Janet said...

Oh, to have a pink kitchen!

Charlotte said...

The dining room green is serene and sensous. All the rooms are striking.

orange sugar home said...

love my domino!! the pink kitchen is perfect but I do think it might get to be too much after a while - or go for it and paint it and see what happens!!

Joanna Goddard said...

SO great -- i love love love all the colors!

Anonymous said...

i love this so much! i tried this approach in my small studio and... i guess i don't have the touch... it did not work out for me! it seriously looks like a clown threw up in my office! i've been craving monochromatic, but when i see these pics i'm so in love with them! oh well...

Little Lovables said...

these are some lovely rooms!

avant garde design said...

it's funny, as i get a little older, i seem to be daring myself to try more with color. these rooms are inspiring and make you think hmmmm....time to run off and grab handfuls of paint swatches and consider the possibilities. :)

What Possessed Me said...

Ahhh, this is scrumptious. I have a color-saturated apartment because I love color, but then crave the serenity of white. I think I need two apartments to play with...

Tina Tarnoff said...

Love the pink kitchen, too, although I don't think I could sqeeze this project past my husband. He's more of the earth tones kind of guy. Would love to have different color walls in every room, but that would require time, and who has time? If anyone has time can I borow some? :)
Btw, I love your Domino Sundays, don't stop! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Omg! I can see my ad over there. That is so amazing! Seriously you are amazing! Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. To top this off, I made my first photography sale! WHOO!!

Anonymous said...

That pink kitchen is surreal -- love it!

Carolina Elizabeth said...

Thank you for sharing such lovely things with us. They are truly inspirational.

Jen @ said...

I have this funny feeling Domino might be back... Has that ever happened in the history of magazine publishing?

Fashion Schlub said...

sigh. i *do* miss domino :-)

but LOVE the hot pink kitchen!