Right now I am waiting. Waiting on a babe. I'm a doula you see, so at the moment I am on call for a family who is rather soon going to be welcoming their first baby. I must admit though, the waiting can be tough (and I realise I am only experiencing a fraction of what how the mum is feeling!), not knowing if anything is happening, constantly checking my phone, ready to dash out the door. There is actually a rather long list of things I could and should be doing, but I'm having trouble focusing on anything else other than waiting. One thing has drawn me in, however, a collection of houses overgrown by nature and disappearing into a sea of foliage. These images are so heartbreaking-ly beautiful. Heartbreaking as they are all taken in Detroit, a city who has seen more than its fair share of economic hardship. So, on one hand I am drawn in by these mysterious Secret Garden like forest houses, and on the other sadly wondering what has become of the former tenants. Take a look...

all photos via sweet juniper!
wow!!! these are amazing!! (and good luck with the baby!!)
These are from Sweet Juniper, right? I'm always torn like you when I see these images. They really are beautiful, and yet so tragic.
These are so beautiful and yet, just a bit sad too. I'm always impressed by the way nature reclaims things. On Inishmore, off the west coast of Ireland, there are so many houses and structures that nature has taken back.
Best of luck with the newborn on his/her way. Being a doula must be such a fascinating and rewarding experience.
Such a lovely post, i particularly love the first house, i can imagine how pretty this house could be with some real tlc. What an amazing job you have, helping to bring life into this world. Awesome. It's interesting how you're drawn to these images of houses that are now empty shells, you help to bring life into this world so i can see the correlation here. :)))
they are indeed beautiful in an heartbreaking way. Good Luck with the baby....how wonderful to be a doula...that must be so rewarding!
I love love LOVE any post that falls under the category of "tree house." I consider this one of those posts :D SO happy!
I've seen pictures like this before, but can't think of the name of the blog. I think the blogger called them "Feral Houses" and I think it's the most perfect name for something that's wild that probably shouldn't be by nature.
ho!! that's absolut poesie ,,, How today building can become this way with all the rules and lows of Urbanism,,, Nature is power !
This is wonderful!
oh beautiful, i love old ruins like these where the nature has taken over again :) gorgeous shots!
first good look with the baby! and second: These pictures are SO BEAUTIFUL! love them!
It looks like the houses have facial hair.
love these images!
and i feel your frustration. as a labor and delivery nurse, i know all about waiting on the little ones :)
hope everything goes safely and smoothly!
Congratulation and I wish all the best wishes for the baby!!
Keep blogging...there should be a lovely transformation to come...
Captivating pics. Hope all goes well with the little one :)
I love overgrown structures. They seem to have so many stories to tell, and remind of me Great Expectations in all its broken-down, old-beauty charm. Hope everything goes well with the labour :)
These pictures are hauntingly beautiful. They make you wonder of the people and stories connected to the houses. So interesting
Ah yes. Beautiful decay and 'melancholy in ruins.' A big subject, especially for those of us in archaeology. Always a tug -- both ways.
Hope the baby is here & all are fine. My sisters had doulas & it made such a difference. Good for you.
hope the baby delivery went smoothly and beautifully. and i love these gorgeous photo! i grew up in michigan and detroit is a sad but sometimes super fun and always fascinating place.
these are beautiful!
Wonderful houses that probably have many stories to tell.
grew up in detroit....went back and saw my childhood house in shambles....this is so much prettier...but still so sad
thanks for sharing
I don't think there is anything more romantic that ivy-covered walls. These images are gorgeous!
i love it when ivy grows up the side of a house...the last one is a bit much but still beautiful. i love all of them...i could stare for hours! xo
Wow... I wonder how long it took for the last one to get that way!
Very interesting images and still intriguing .
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