Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Weekend...

What are you doing this weekend? I'm having another laundry crisis, so I'm dealing with that!! Also hoping to curl up with a new book!

Photo by Ly n n ✈


Rachel said...

Curling up with a good book is the best.

Valeria said...

beautiful! i adore that picture, it makes me want to live in the woods or in a mountain instead of in a city :)

Giulia said...

Raising money for Haiti.

Bombay Club for friend's birthday Sunday.

Ignoring laundry.


Brigitte said...

This weekend I'm studying for exams, going out with my mom, reading, fixing my portfolio, sketching for my portfolio, and hopefully not stressing out for the upcoming week!

Have a great weekend, lovely!

Christine Macdonald said...

Working on (writing) by book about stripping in the 80's. =)

Shopping for corsets tomorrow for the book cover! Wheeee!

Good luck with the laundry!

Anonymous said...

good luck with the laundry crisis, i know those all too well.
this weekend my boyfriend, and my sisters boyfriend are in town, ( i guess long distance relationships run in the family.) so we will all be hiking, cooking, and just enjoying each others company :)

chelsea rebecca said...

this weekend i will be baking some delish muffins and going to the movies! loving this long weekend!!

Laura Trevey said...

Have a Bright, Bold, and Beautiful weekend!!


2 by Design said...

Ahhhh, glorious weekends. Hopefully relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather! Hmmm, but most likely cleaning too. Boooo.

DC said...

Sleeping in! Re-arranging rooms, cleaning and washing, hopefully a few cuddles from my beau.

Caroline said...

I am visiting with family!! I am having a laundry crisis as well... hope your weekend is lovely!! Love the picture for this post!! xo

Giulia said...

If I may be so snippy...haven't had much sleep here. Um, this is a very important long weekend. Not just for sleeping, you guys....

Anonymous said...

Working and watching The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus!

Anonymous said...

Taking down my Christmas tree... a bit of house cleaning, reading Raymond Chandler -love the style!, swimming, creating art, 2 movies - A Single Man & a late pass on New Moon, sleeping in, staying up late and enjoying my longgggg ass weekend!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Have a great weekend. I just did my laundry yesterday and it felt so good. ;D For me, it's back to work today. Even though I don't like it I won't complain. :D
Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

ive just been reading great expectations and i flew a plane!

Cassandra Dias said...

Lol..I'm having something of a laundry crisis as well. Maybe I should deal with it instead of procrastiating...

Hermione said...

Haha, that's so funny, I had a major laundry crisis as well this week. Actually still recouping, it's awful! My machine broke down and I had to wait for a week to get a new one, and then I had visitors at the same time, so now mountains are being dealt with. All ing good time, I guess... What are you reading?