Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Garage Makeover*

" my-my-my...how cute is this! "
... The 250 sq foot home in Seattle that was converted recently from an old garage. Michelle de la Vega acted as her own general contractor, and spent only $32,000 for the entire renovation.~Wow Lady! I'm certainly impressed! Check out the entire article and more garage-now home sweet* home tour here.
a.k.a guest blogger
-Via & Photo NY Times.


Anonymous said...

o my...i am in love with it!

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

SOOO Cool!

Brian Miller said...

that is very cool...

the Citizen Rosebud said...

what a great little space. can't believe she built it herself.

Simply Colette said...

I love it! xoxo

Anonymous said...

so functional and cute!

Anonymous said...

so functional and cute!

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Helllloooo LenoreNeverMore my love! Well this home certainly brings a whole new meaning to 'living in the garage'! Oddly enough I am sitting here in the Seattle area as I type & was so pleased to read that this was built here in the gorgeous N.W.
Thanks for the link to this fab project. You make for one fine guest blogger my friend and sending you hugs all the way from Seattle xoxo

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Dumwit Tellher,

Thank you so much!
(hope Tina reads your lovely comment~ehem!)
ps:Love Seattle moody weather I have to say~

Glimmer said...

I love this. It gives me such ideas for the garage we just bought (with the house of course). It is like this, a separate wooden structure in the back of the house. The husband is talking about all the storage space and I am thinking "a garage of my own -- studio/office/hideway."

Joanna Goddard said...

TOTALLY gorgeous!!! what a great find!

Denise Fasanello said...

I'm insanely jealous!

Brandi said...

What a gorgeous little space! My favorite thing about it is how it opens up to the outside like that. Love that.

the real mia said...


Polly Rowan said...

This is amazing! I love the ladder going up to the bed at the top. So cute. x

Laura Trevey said...

Wow... what an incredible use of space!!! I'm impressed!

xoxo Laura
** fun to see you here Lenore :)

dee said...

That is amazing! I have so much respect for Michelle for handling it all herself. When we bought our house, our now-living room had recently been converted from a garage. It has beautiful cathedral ceilings and tons of light. Totally made our house a home.

Lisa E Staples said...

I would never survive the ladder!!

Rely said...

absolutely great solution!!
i'd love to have a space like that ;D

Zowie said...

I've been reading the original article and there's only a word to descibe the job: "Amazing"

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