Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Clouds

saturday cloudssaturday cloudssaturday cloudssaturday clouds
...turn to blue skies. The perfect weather for shopping for a new couch -- at Ikea!

Hope you're having a lovely day.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Peaceful Weekend

peaceful weekend

I love this photo by Margolove. It's so calming. Reminds me to breathe. I'm so glad it's the weekend!

We're going to the Los Angeles Times Book Fair tomorrow. (We're also looking for a new couch!) What are you doing??

PS: Margolove has an amazing photostream on flickr, for a little respite.

Thursday, April 23, 2009



I've been meaning to show this to you. It's a little nest I found in one of my climbing rose bushes this winter. It was abandoned and empty. I filled it with beads and put it on the fireplace mantel.

Maybe I should have left it in the bush? Would the little birds have come back?

Beverly Hills at Dusk

beverly hills
Good morning. I had such a lovely evening in Beverly Hills. I'm working on my column now about all the going ons this week. Will put up the link as soon as I'm done. A little preview: Tony Blair is so funny! I had no idea!


(PS: Photo on Polaroid, extra saturated.)

Here's the link! Blair gathers with Hollywood types this week to raise money to combat malaria.

A new Beverly Hills photo on Ms. Muse. Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



It's mayflower season in Sweden. I noticed one of the little paper flowers on my girl Katarina's Lolita blog today. I wish I could import this tradition to Los Angeles. Every year -- for more than a hundred years -- Sweden's Mayflower Charity Foundation has sold these little flowers to raise money to fight child poverty. Their website has a lovely catalogue of all the flowers -- dating back to 1907. The idea was started by Ms. Beda Hallberg from Göteborg. "Her simple but brilliant idea was that everyone could contribute by buying the small flowers from children – 'Children helping children'," according to the website.

Brilliant and beautiful!

I hope you all are having a lovely Wednesday. I'm going to a charity event in Beverly Hills tonight. I was thinking about leaving a little early to take some Polaroids on Rodeo Drive. If I don't return, you can probably find me still wandering around the Prada store.

Breakfast, Anyone?

The fantastic Jennifer Causey of Simply Breakfast posted this week! And pictures from Paris, no less! Her blog is such a treat, even if read in the middle of the night. (Ok, 1:06 am. Now I'm going to bed. xo)

PS: Thank you All the Mountains for the tip!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bella Ms. Bello

Hello everyone. I'm so busy today, running from one event to the next. There's a conference here this week of African first ladies. The gorgeous actress Maria Bello helped kick off the festivities this morning. She's such beautiful person -- inside and out. Here's a story I wrote about her last week. Check it out if you have a chance! Hope you're all having a lovely Monday!

Sunday, April 19, 2009



Palm Springs this weekend was out of the question...But Huntington Gardens was a lovely alternative...


Amid this serenity I reached an important conclusion: I'm ditching the damn Sitemeter. Life is better lived without it. It's more productive watching the clouds move across the sky...


How are you?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saturday Color


Illustrations that warm my magpie soul...

...on this sunny Saturday morning.

I love these watercolors by illustrator Bella Foster (a frequent contributor to the NYT)...Bella, bella indeed!

Hope you're having a lovely weekend! I'm getting ready to get my hair done. (yay)

PS: I'm crushing on the plate wall and the green couch. And the mismatched bowls are beyond fabulous.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Weekend


I can't believe it's friday already. This week was a blur with work. What are you doing this weekend? My plan: Sleep! (And get my hair done..)

Photos by Camilla Åkrans.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ms. Muse


Well, I decided to do it: I started another blog! (A companion blog, if you will, to The English Muse). It's called Ms. Muse and it's all about "life, love & beauty....and an occasional celebrity encounter." My first "encounter" is with Colin Firth. I met him in London over the summer. He was charming, as you would expect...but he had some surprising things to say! Here's the link:

Check it out and let me know what you think!

Ms. Muse will include a daily dose of large photos, like the one above of Ms. Moss. The English Muse will include everything else lovely.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Petal covered paths...


It seems all of Los Angeles is in bloom this week...

flowering trees

with yellow silk...

flowering trees

and pink velvet...

flowering trees

Trees that refuse to be upstaged...

flowering trees

By any other flower. Even if their beauty is short lived...


(PS: Photos taken with a Polaroid Sun 660.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

If happiness had a color...


...It would have to be yellow...

Reminds me of this song: Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you...

(PS: click photos for linkbacks).

UPDATE! This comment from the lovely Ms Reread made me laugh: "Love that colour, especially when it's light and creamy like lemon gelati ... but Chris Martin makes me want to stick a fork in my eye."

What is it about Chris Martin? Either love him or hate him?! I think he's a hot-tie!


First Dog


Bo, a six-month-old Portuguese water dog, has joined the Obamas this week as the newest member of the First Family. The floppy-eared, black-and-white dog was a gift from Sen. Edward Kennedy and his wife.

The Obamas had hoped to get a rescue dog, and in a way they have, according to The Washington Post. Bo had been living with another family, but it wasn't a good fit, so the Kennedys gave him to the Obamas. Ha! A regifted dog! He was originally named Charlie, but the Obamas decided to call him Bo, as in Bo Diddley.

I hope he gets along better with the press corps than Bush's dog Barney. This video of Barney biting a reporter always makes me laugh. (I know, that's terrible of me. It seems White House dogs are under as much pressure as their masters!)

Have a look: