Thursday, May 21, 2009

Helena Christensen's Bohème Abode


Paris Vogue this month features the model's fantastic NYC apartment...


I love her inspiration walls and tattered art...


And makeshift furniture...


A sophisticated magpie, indeed...

"Tous les objets, et il y en a des milliers, sont des souvenirs vrais ou adoptés chez les brocanteurs du dimanche, à Chelsea ou à la campagne." Loosely translated: She has millions of things, collected in Chelsea and elsewhere, that have elicited memories -- real or adopted.

And there's even a wall for Polaroids. A girl after my own heart.

PS: It was photographed by Carole Sabas at The Selby!!

The International Society of Girls in Tulle?

What do you think? Should we form a Facebook group? The Washington ballet photo reminded me, yet again, of my favorite fabric. (Even though it has the texture of a Brillo pad, it's so, so lovely.)

PREVIOUSLY: The International Society of Girls in Flats.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tutu, too?

Hello everyone. How was your Wednesday? This photo of some of the members of the Washington Ballet made me laugh out loud! It was taken by Cade Martin and is now making its way through the Tumblr world. I want to walk around town in a tutu!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hang On

Hello loves. I know it's probably Wednesday morning where you are. And I'm just now doing my Tuesday post here at the hospital with my dad. It was one of those days.

My dad decided today that he's had enough of the hospital and wants to escape. I don't blame him. We spent the evening discussing details of this getaway. (It involved using a back elevator and leaving the monitors in the alley). I made him promise that he wouldn't leave without me. He worries me, though. I am so worried about him.

I know someday he's going to make the grand getaway, and I'll be sad without him. In the meantime, he's still cracking jokes. Such sweet medicine.

PS: Photo found here on ffffound!

PSS: By the way, I'm woefully behind on responding to emails at the moment! I'm catching up slowly, so please don't be offended! I love you all. xoxox

Monday, May 18, 2009

Inspiration Collage

inspiration collage
Hello darlings, Thank you for all your wonderful comments. I loved reading them.  They've cheered me up. (Tina Tarnoff, I can't believe you're still reading Revolutionary Road!) I'm here in my dad's hospital room waiting for him to be wheeled to surgery. I've found it so calming looking through the beautiful photos on RedBubble. Here's a little collage of some of my favorite images. What do you think?

The credits and links: 

UPDATE: The surgery is over and it went great! Yay!!


Hello everyone! Happy Monday. I hope your week is off to a good start. I find the colors in this photo by Alexandra Cameron very soothing this morning. The sky is the color of the Caribbean Sea. I had a very stressful weekend at the hospital where my dad is now in ICU. He has another important surgery today. Please keep your fingers crossed that all goes well. I'll keep you posted!

In the meantime, please tell me about all the lovely things you did this weekend! I love to hear your stories!

By the way, I have a very special giveaway for this week!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Happy Weekend!

monet gardens, by CharlaneG.

A gorgeous photo by my girl Char!

Miss Isabella

Hello darlings. Hope you're doing well. Are you looking forward to the weekend? My dad will be in the hospital for a few more days. We've certainly had a lot of ups and downs. Yesterday was definitely one of the up days: The doctor is pleased with my dad's progress. And, after returning from the hospital, I found a lovely letter in the mailbox about my daughter. My ten-year-old girl (that's her in the Polaroid photo with the word "study" written on her hand) penned a poem that won the notice of the judges of a national children's writing competition. They're going to include it in an anthology with other children writers. I'm so proud of her, that cutie!

This is what she wrote:

Earth is the wet rain that falls on your head
Without the Earth all the flowers would be dead
Earth is the sun that shines up, up above
Without the Earth there would be no more love
Do this favor so the sky can be seen
Do us this favor and keep the Earth clean!

Good advice from a fifth grader! xoxo

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hot Vanilla Sky

sunset plaza

It's hot and sticky out today, one of those days in Los Angeles when the sky has turned blue-grey mixed with patches of vanilla (In other words: fog mixed with smog.) I'm so tired I feel jet lagged. My dad had a relapse on Monday and was readmitted to the hospital. I spent the night there on a lumpy cot last night -- the longest night ever! It makes him happy when I blog (and show him the pictures). So I'm blogging like crazy. You spend your life knowing that your parents will get sick someday with something that can't be cured. I'm just not ready for this to be the day....

sunset plaza

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Garden Roses

garden roses

Hello everyone. Here are a few more Polaroids of some of my garden roses. I'm especially fond of the big fluffy purple one. (It's a David Austin rose called Othello.) I think the yellow one is Henry Ford, but I'm not sure. I lost the map I made of the rose garden a few years ago, so now I'm constantly mixing up the names. How do they come up with these names for roses anyway? Would Henry Ford even want to be a yellow rose? Maybe red is more his style.

garden roses

Afternoon Eye Candy

Hello my dears, I hope you're having a lovely Tuesday. Since my dad got sick ten days ago, I've been looking for little respites. Lately, my favorite is watching perfume ads on YouTube. (Call it Perfume Porn!) I know it sounds weird, but it's a beautiful escape. I found this one last night of Keira Knightly for Chanel. I love the part where she dabs the guy with the perfume.
What do you think?

UPDATE! Here's the Chanel commercial with Audrey Tautou.


Cecil Beaton

chris beetles

I would love to be in London this week...


For the last few days of the Cecil Beaton exhibit
at the Chris Beetles Art Gallery...


The retrospective features 64 images that cover more than 40 years of Beaton's career. It would be so lovely to see the exhibit and then head over to the Tea Palace in Notting Hill for tea, don't you think?

(PS: The third photo is my favorite. Can you imagine the caption: "Dear, I found the most fabulous little fixer-upper for us!")

More on Chris Beetles website.

Monday, May 11, 2009

So Charming...


I LOVE these embroidered illustrations by Stephen Campbell...


It would be so lovely to walk my dog (or cat?) in London...


Or navigate the Tube with this fantastic map!


I can't sew a stitch but I adore whimsical embroidery. And Campbell's is brilliant!

There's more of his designs over here!


Sofia Coppola


...I love her photography...

sofia well as her movies...


...It's all so very delicious...


...but I'm especially in love with her Miss Dior commercial...

And this website, Life With Sofia.

It's like having pink macrons for breakfast! Happy Monday!